This is a contrail, a nice colored one, enjoy!
So there we go again. Someone from the Misa vip section is reading a little bit too much crazy conspiracy websites (with a bias for the US kind) and so another amazing (not really) shocking (LOL) unique (ROLMF) revelations (copy-pasta) are made for the students of the Romanian
What should make you laugh (or cry) is the fact that they still are claiming non-profit and educational status while they are not only not helping people but actively reducing their intellectual level by feeding them stuff like this.
A series of articles about chemtrails appeared on the official website for the biggest yoga school in Europe (*sarcasm*).
A few by the spiritual mentor of the school Gregorian "Magnus Aurolson"/Grieg Bivolaru
A few by some other people (under pseudonyms, as always)
One in french
And finally a few pictures claimed to be photos by the readers of this divine site
Links provided in the description of the above video:
What is a contrail and how does it form?
Better Ways To Engineer Earth's Climate To Prevent Dangerous Global Warming
Wikipedia about contrails
So as we see again spirituality @ Misa = wasting your precious time and scaring you with things that you should know are quite normal. Thanks.
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