
This week in MISA 02/15/2012

Oh you people. You're so crazy. 
I haven't posted one of these for a while now, but the latest overwhelming stream of crazy coming from our favorite cult just had to be addressed. 
First off there's this. In case they remove the post it very confidently declares that they (whoever they are, I guess in this case it refers to the general, all encompassing them who are pure evil and who are constantly persecuting MISA and all her branches) finally admitted that president Eisenhower met with aliens. 
And of course it's based on a Daily Mail article. Which you can read here
And even though the reason for which this is silly I feel the need to point out why this particular UFO nutcase article gets special treatment and gets a mention on the second most important website on teh entire internetz (first being of course yogaesoteric.net), namely because it (the original article) declares that: 
Eisenhower and other FBI officials are said to have organised the showdown with the space creatures by sending out 'telepathic messages'.
And that is of course in perfect concordance with the unique and superb revelation of THE most efficient method of communicating with an alien species revealed for the first time by the greaytest spiritual master and tantric yogi evar: Gregorian Bivolaru.